We’re a gaggle of NDs & NTs - parents, caregivers, friends, kiddos, & more - surviving & thriving in neurodiversity + filling in the gaps together.

Join the Community

Neurodiversity ain’t for the faint of heart. That path ahead? She’s not always clear. Often, on a road less traveled, we’ve gotta forge our own route, together. We’re glad you’re here. Want in?


We’ve been there. We’re still there. We may know how you’re feeling. We may know what you’re dealing with. But ya know what? We may not. Here’s the deal: We’ve got your back & we’ll find a way a la Friday Night Lights style, Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.


You’re in the right place. The community at Neurodiversity Connection exists as a central, digital only (for now, wink wink…) location for us to build camaraderie, share helpful skills or coping techniques, discover events happening in Hamilton County and Beyoncé beyond, and heck maybe even as a sounding board or shoulder to cry on. (Who’s been there at 2am on a Thursday when your referral gets rejected?!) There’s no turn-by-turn directions for this stuff or a one-size-fits-all solution - That’s why we’ve joined forces to share our experience. Let’s learn from each other, connect some dots, and make a friend or two in the process. You in?

Still not quite sure?

That’s cool! We get it. It can take time to warm up to something new. In the meantime, we recommend perusing some fashionable merch to support our ND community, learning About Us, or just sayin’ hey with a gosh darn good ol’ “How you doin’?” in that Contact Us right herrrrrre.

Talk soon! 💋